Sunday, February 20, 2011

Free Java tutorials & programming source code

Learn the fundamentals of Java programming language through a variety of online tutorials. These tutorials teach the essential concepts behind building applications using various programming concepts and modules. This site can be used as a practical, example based guide for beginning programmers or those without much Object Oriented programming experience.

Free Java Guide: This site lists General Java tutorials and specific Java programming topics for serious programming. In the case of sql tutorial, for each command, the SQL syntax will first be presented and explained, followed by an example. This site aims to teach beginners the building blocks of SQL. Well organized, easy to understand SQL guide with lots of examples that helps you need to get started using SQL. If you are also looking for a PL/SQL tutorial, this is the site. Our PL/SQL tutorial provides the help you need to get started using SQL and PL/SQL.

Master Java, find popular listings for various Java technologies ranging from Core Java, PL/SQL, HTML, XML and SQL


Learn the Core Java basics. This topic is for those learning Java programming or having general Java programming questions. It is a fundamental guide, aimed at beginners to java programming.


If you are looking to learn PL/SQL, this is the site. It provides the help you need to get started using SQL and PL/SQL. It gives an introduction to Procedural Structured Query Language (pl/sql). PL/SQL help, examples and references needed to start programming in plsql.


This covers the basics of SQL Language. This lists the commonly used SQL commands, and is divided into the various sections organized by sql topics. By the end of this sql guide, you should have a good general understanding of the SQL syntax. In addition, you should be able to write SQL queries using the correct syntax.

ORACLE Question Bank

It contains more than 500 Questions (in 10 pages) of oracle and SQL + PL/SQL which can be used for facing interviews and for personal evaluation of oracle knowledge organized by topic. This question bank helps by asking you questions and explaining which answer is correct and why.

HTML Tutorial for beginners HTML Tutorial - advanced

This is a terrific resource for beginners and students. It includes many copy & paste HTML scripts with detailed explanations that you can put right into an existing web page. It's also a good reference to find that tag that you just can't remember but need for your web page.

The following material is a part of 'IBM's resource for developers' website.

1. SCJP, Part 1

This SCJP guide is to help you become a Sun certified Java programmer. It is organized in the same way as the Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP) 1.4 exam and provides a detailed overview of all of the exam's main objectives. Throughout the java pdf, simple examples are provided to illustrate the important concepts covered in the exam.

2. Introduction to Core java I/O

This java I/O pdf is an overview of Java I/O and all the classes in the package. This guide assumes you have a basic knowledge of I/O, including Input Stream and Output Stream.

3. Enterprise Beans Fundamentals

This ejb pdf provides an introduction to Enterprise JavaBeans technology with particular attention to the role of Enterprise JavaBean components in distributed computing scenarios, the architecture, the extension APIs, and the fundamentals of working with EJB technologies

4. The Class Loader

The Java ClassLoader is a crucial, but often overlooked, component of the Java runtime system. It is the class responsible for finding and loading class files at run time. Creating your own ClassLoader lets you customize the JVM in useful and interesting ways, allowing you to completely redefine how class files are brought into the system.

5. Design Patterns 101

This lesson is for Java programmers who want to learn about java design patterns as a means of improving their object oriented design and development skills. After reading this pdf you will:
* Understand what design patterns are and how they are described and categorized in several well known catalogs
* Be able to use design patterns as a vocabulary for understanding and discussing object oriented software design
* Understand a few of the most common design patterns and know when and how they should be used

4. Introduction to Threads

This tutorial explores the basics of threads -- what they are, why they are useful, and how to get started writing simple programs that use them. It also explains the basic building blocks of more sophisticated threading applications, how to exchange data between threads, how to control threads, and how threads can communicate with each other.

XML Tutorials

Introduction: Learn what XML is all about and discover how it differs from HTML. Explore XML syntax rules, learn how to write well formed XML documents, adjust XML attributes, validate XML documents and XML programming with java. In these tutorials you will learn what XML is about. You'll understand the basic XML syntax. Know what's needed to make XML usable along with java programming. You'll be able to understand XML Documents and most of XML DTD's.

6. XML programming in Java technology, Part 1

This xml tutorial covers the basics of manipulating XML documents using Java technology and looks at the common APIs for XML and discusses how to parse, create, manipulate, and transform XML documents. Covers basics of XML parsing in the Java language.

7. XML programming in Java technology, Part 2

This looks at working with namespaces, validating XML documents, building XML structures without a typical XML document, converting between one API and another, and manipulating tree structures.

8. XML programming in Java technology, Part 3

Covers more sophisticated topics for manipulating XML documents with Java technology. It shows you how to do tasks such as generate XML data structures, manipulate those structures, and interface XML parsers with non XML data sources.

8. Understanding DOM

This is designed for developers who understand the basic concept of XML and are ready to move on to coding applications to manipulate XML using the Document Object Model (DOM). It assumes that you are familiar with concepts such as well formed ness and the tag like nature of an XML document.